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YouTube awarded Dream the Streamy Award for Gaming in both 20.ĭream created his YouTube account on Febru and started to upload content regularly in July 2019. Īs of January 26, 2022, his seven YouTube channels have collectively reached over 39 million subscribers and over 2.9 billion total views. Content created in the Dream SMP, an invite-only survival multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server that stars Minecraft content creators engaged in roleplay, has also attracted considerable attention. Dream later admitted to using game modifications, albeit maintaining that the advantages in his speedrun gameplay were unintentional. He is well known for his YouTube series Minecraft Manhunt and for his Minecraft speedruns, in which he was accused of cheating in late 2020. Dream (born August 12, 1999) is the pseudonym of an American YouTuber and Twitch streamer who is known primarily for creating Minecraft content.ĭream gained substantial popularity in 20.

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